Todoist integrations
Todoist integrations

todoist integrations

Hover over a required task, the Start timer button will appear next to the task.Ĭlick the Start timer button and TMetric will start recording your Todoist working time.

todoist integrations

The TMetric extension you've installed adds the Start timer button on a Todoist task page. You can combine any valid Todoist query by using the | character between the queries.TMetric can be only integrated with a web version of Todoist. The example below shows the tasks that are due in the next 5 days as well as all your overdue tasks. Sometimes you’re going to want to run multiple filters at the same time to get the view of the tasks that you want. I’ve provided a few examples below to get you started. Queries must conform to a valid Todoist Filter so you should read that documentation to see everything you can do. Now that the plugin is set up in Obsidian it’s time to build some queries. Now that you’ve got your API token set, you’re ready to start embedding tasks. Once you have it on your clipboard go back to Obsidian and paste it into the API token field then submit it. Then scroll to the bottom and copy your API token to the clipboard. Todoist token dialogue Todoist integrations screen You can find that by going to your user menu and clicking integrations. Once you click Install and then Enable the plugin will prompt you for your Todoist API Token. If you’re interested in the other Todoist plugins you see there, I’ve covered them in my Obsidian Task Management course that is currently only available to members. To start go to the Community Plugins tab in Obsidian, click on Browse and search for Todoist Sync Plugin. The Obsidian x Todoist Plugin let’s you build custom queries that embed your Todoist tasks in Obsidian. Today we’re going to look at one of the many plugins that allow some integration between Todoist and Obsidian.

Todoist integrations